Scotia, April 2001

The Trip to Nova Scotia was Cassidy's first opportunity to meet
her Grandpa Vernon, Great Grandpa Marchand, 2 Great Grandmothers, Auntie Martha and Uncle
Carl, all the extended family and, of course cousin Emma!!

Great Grandma Marchand

Grandpa Vernon and Great Uncles Lorne and Edwin enjoy a Labatt's Blue at the usual
chatting spot in the kitchen

Emma looks up at "Unca Doe" in hopes that he might be ready for another
game of "Fly Emma around the house like an airplane"

Cousin Emma loaned me her yellow hat and purple socks then took me for a ride in
her stroller.

I love ma Nanny and ma Nanny loves me!!

Mommy bought this little stroller for Emma case she thought it was sooo....cute.
She paid $8 for it and it lasted about that many days before the first wheel broke
off........ Teddy had fun though.