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Ultrasound Pictures

It's a boy!   ...or a girl   ....no, wait, it's a space alien!

So we've had three ultrasounds so far (click on any picture to see a bigger version).

#1: May 26 (7 weeks pregnant)

UltrasoundMay26_tn.GIF (2629 bytes) Otherwise known as the rice stage. The rice is 8mm long at this point, as measured between the crosshairs. The white spot near the middle is where we saw the first heartbeat!


#2: Jun 8 (9 weeks pregnant)

UltrasoundJun08_tn.GIF (2515 bytes) We have now progressed to the shrimp stage - 27mm long and growing. The circle to the right of the baby is the yolk sac that the baby used to feed off until the big implant event.


#3: Jun 22 (11 weeks pregnant)

UltrasoundJun22_1_tn.GIF (2525 bytes) This was the coolest ever - we saw this one dancin' the night away! The baby's hanging out in the uterus laz-y-boy facing up and to the left - you can see the face (that the arrow's pointing at) and even all (that'd be 4) of the arms and legs. Looks like me when I'm sittin' in the pool...


UltrasoundJun22_2_tn.GIF (2491 bytes) This is actual proof that an alien lifeform is living within Paula (I swear I've seen this guy on the X-files). This is just another angle of the above shot - the baby's now facing up and to the right.


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