Cassidy Boucher's Home Page

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It's a Girl!

Cassidy Nicole Boucher was born on Jan 2, 2001 (1/2/1) at 2:24pm.
She was 20 inches long (tall?) and weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz.
Delivered by Dr. Lindsay Kolderup at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos, California.

What's in a name?

So where did we get the name Cassidy Nicole and what does it mean? Find out here!

Labor and Delivery

Seems like everybody wants to know every little thing that happened. Read all the sordid details here...


Cassidy Pics

Other Pics
Preparing for Birth
Pregnant Paula
Just Born
The Baby's Room
Days 1 and 2
At Home
Grammas Are Fun
Hammin' it Up
Good Night
Weekend in Tahoe 
Valentines Day 
Other Shots in Feb.  3/7


That's right - Cassidy stars in her very own movies! Come check 'em out!

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