You are here: Home > Our Big Trip > US and Canada > Across the US > Canyonlands NP
Canyonlands was an expansive park with a south and north
entrance that is over 50 miles apart. We stayed in
Moab, Utah and visited
the park several times. The picture below is of a series of buttes as you
enter from the south side of the park.

We saw our first Petroglyphs (rock drawings)
at Newspaper Rock.
The rock formations below are aptly named "mushrooms".

Joe and Cassidy Relaxing by the pool in
Moab after our first day in the Park.

Day II
The Panoramic below shows the view of the north side of
the park from a place called Dead Horse Point. This shot is amazing when viewed
in full size... Joe took all of the "Pannies" in Utah. It is
almost the only way to begin to capture the vast landscapes.

Later that same day we drove from Dead horse point to the
park headquarters (somewhere on the top right side of the pannie above).
Joe notices that there is a dirt road that crawls down the canyon walls and into
the valley that we viewed from dead horse point and back into Moab.
I naively agree that this would be an excellent family
The picture below shows the road as it crawls
canyon ledges. I am afraid of heights. Joe is an experienced
off-road driver. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. Once we made it down into the canyon we had a beautiful
ride back to Moab.