You are here: Home > Our Big Trip > US and Canada > Across the US > Ground Zero
Being in new York City for the first
time since the events of Sept. 11th, 2001, we felt a strong pull to visit
Ground Zero. Tom, who had worked just blocks away from the site and who has
his own set of memories from that day, was kind enough to oblige us by
taking us down there.
Our pictures are not stunning but they
do show the progress of the reconstruction as well as a model of the new
site plans.

Names of those who perished appear on
black signs along the perimeter.

Reconstruction is
underway. The picture below shows one of the subway tunnels that will
run below the surface of the new complex.

The new site plans consist of 5 office
towers arranged in a semi-circle around a "common".
The park area (or common) will be 30 ft
below street level. It will include a low rise building, a wall of water and
a large grassy area as a memorial to those who perished on 9/11.
All in all, I think that it is a
stunning design.