You are here: Home > Our Big Trip > New Zealand > NZ Camping Van
So how do the Bouchers get around New Zealand? In style,
baby, in style!

Our 1996 Toyota TownAce we bought in Dunedin.
We can cruise New Zealand in this baby and sleep in the
back so we don't have to setup and teardown a tent all the time.

be configured with or without a Cassidy-holder.
All tinted windows in the back for sleeping semi-privacy.
Oh, and there's sliding doors on each side - comes in way
handier that I would have imagined.
And for
the piece de resistance: a queen size airbed for the whole family's slumbering
pleasure. Complete with lots of storage underneath for our camping essentials
(and not so).
For now, it's just a few sheets of wood on milk crates,
but there are great plans being drafted to build a real platform.

We just fold the top of the rear seat down and voila!
Plenty of room on the foot side to get in & out.